Community Resources
San Gabriel Valley Water Forum
With leadership provided by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, the San Gabriel Valley Water Forum began in 2012 as a public education conference dedicated to community leader and stakeholder involvement in important water issues. The forum features keynote speakers and panel discussions by industry and government experts on topics such as water supply, water quality and water conservation.
The Water Forum was held in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018 at Fairplex in Pomona. The Water Forum planned for 2020 in the west San Gabriel Valley city of San Gabriel was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Water Forum Partners, consisting of the San Gabriel Valley-based water agencies shown below, has begun planning for an event to be held in Spring 2023. For more information and updates, please visit the Forum’s website:
The Water Forum Partners include:
- San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
- Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
- Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster
- Three Valleys Municipal Water District
- San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority.

H2Owl Mascot Program
SGVMWD’s fun and informative water education program features H2Owl, a mascot that visits schools, parks, and community and business events to promote water conservation. H2Owl shares its message through flyers, fact sheets, video presentations and giveaway items.
If you would like H2Owl to appear at your event or location,
call (626) 969-7911 or send an email to for details.

For Kids and Schools
Presentation and Assemblies
For more than a decade, the District has provided in-person presentations in both auditorium assembly and classroom settings at elementary, middle and high schools within the District’s service area, including public and private schools in Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park and Sierra Madre. We have viewed a presentation to students as a “two-fer,” in that students embrace water supply and conservation information and eagerly share their learning with parents, siblings and friends.
Our fun, informative and interactive presentations are available year-round, but typically occur in the spring, near the occurrences of Earth Day in April and Water Awareness Month in May. We are able to add in video presentations and provide leave-behind educational materials such as posters, book covers and our customized Home Water Survey. We are also able to provide such presentations virtually, or online, where our live presentation is offered to schools much like a “zoom meeting” and allows for interaction between students, teachers and District representatives.
Our educational materials are also available to download and print. The District is also able to assist schools and non-profit organizations with free printed materials upon request.
Our illustrated growth chart provides opportunities for students to color-in images, play word puzzles, trace through mazes, fill-in the blanks, and answer multiple-choice questions related to water supply and water conservation. The fold-out piece has ruler markings in inches and extends to several feet in length, suitable for hanging at home to track both children’s height and local precipitation.
Our Video Gallery includes a variety of educational videos about the District, water supply, water conservation and water quality. Two videos, in particular, are animated for young students and describe both where our water comes from and how to conserve.
Our Video Gallery includes a detailed “Virtual Water Tour” video that provides a great overview of the District, its operations, the State Water Project and more.
Water-Saving Tips – suitable for download and printing, our water saving tips are available free upon request from the District, as well.

Internship and Volunteer Program
The District has had the pleasure of providing both volunteer and paid internship programs in conjunction with its Speakers’ Bureau program. Students and teachers at the middle and high school levels have assisted our Owl mascot (sometimes wearing the costume!), and worked at our exhibit displays to answer questions and provide information to stakeholders attending community and government agency events. The District is open to discussing such service and volunteer opportunities in as a means of providing grants to sponsoring school or non-profit organizations.
If you are interested in such opportunities and/or providing volunteer services in exchange for donations to your school or non-profit organization, please contact the District at (626) 969-7911 or email
Speakers’ Bureau
Guest Speakers
SGVMWD is pleased to provide speakers, informative presentations, our H2Owl mascot, exhibit booths and free educational printed materials to help make your community or work-related event or meeting a success. Board members and District staff are available to speak on a variety of water-related topics, both in-person and virtually through on-line presentations. We also may help arrange and/or compensate third-party guest speakers on a variety of topics of interest to the public such as conservation, gardening, greywater recycling, water quality, tree care and more.
Please call the District at (626) 969-9611 to discuss how we might assist your water-related or educational events

Water Tours
In-Person Tours
We host tours occasionally throughout the year to give stakeholders and community leaders first-hand exposure to water supply and water quality facilities including delivery pipelines, dams and reservoirs, spreading grounds, water treatment facilities, water recycling facilities and hydro-electric plants. To request a tour, please contact us at 626-969-7911, or email us at
Virtual and Video Tours
Our educational, video tours guide you along the journey of your water supply: from local groundwater supplies to imported water that comes from northern California via the State Water Project, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the California Aqueduct all the way to the Main San Gabriel Basin.
Our high-quality, professional videos provide insights to the entire water supply, water quality and water conservation processes. The video tours are offered in English, Spanish and Chinese. Please click on one of the links to take the tour!
Video Gallery
Book a Tour
Our in-person tours for the public will resume once gathering restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 are lifted. To book a tour, please contact us at 626-969-7911, or email us at