Water Conservation

Water conservation is the least expensive source of water that we have because a gallon saved is a gallon that does not need to be imported or produced. We all need to do our part to use water as efficiently as possible, so this vital resource remains readily available, now and in the future.

Water-saving practices cost little to nothing to implement and the water and financial savings can be substantial. SGVMWD offers numerous programs and resources to help you conserve!

“Save Water…Use it Wisely!”

New District Public Information Theme Reflects Changed Water Supply Conditions

As water supply conditions fluctuate, the District updates and refreshes its public information theme and messaging. Severe drought, decreased water supplies and heavy precipitation each call for refined messaging to inform stakeholders. After several years of severe drought, recent heavy precipitation and water supply improvements statewide and in the San Gabriel Valley, the District has developed a new theme reflecting awareness that supply conditions have improved while still encouraging wise use of our precious natural resource.

The design replaces the former theme, “Saving Water…it’s a good thing!” and incorporates new green and blue coloring along with water features. The new theme will be utilized on most District media and publications. We even have a fun design extension featuring H2Owl for school, youth and community activities!

After California’s historic, five-year drought that ended in 2015, the Governor issued an executive order prohibiting water waste and calling on all residents to “make conservation a California way of life.” The order resulted in a statewide plan enacting long-term conservation measures and water use targets for urban water systems.

SGVMWD supports water conservation by partnering with our member cities to provide funding and technical assistance for water-efficient technology and equipment, infrastructure programs, and public education. Since 2010, the District has been committed to funding and creating a variety of water conservation pilot projects throughout the service area. These projects are taking place in each of our member cities and involve elements of water-efficient technology and equipment, water-wise and California Native plants, and in-school curriculum.

FAQs | Water Supply Basics in the San Gabriel Valley

First, let’s review the basics about the San Gabriel Valley’s water supply. Our water supply system includes a variety of sources of water including groundwater replenishment, imported water, reservoirs and cyclic storage, recycled water, storm water capture, and water transfers. Thus, despite developments such as record-breaking dry weather, worsening drought conditions, reduction of imported water deliveries via the State Water Project, extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change, and implementation of voluntary water use restrictions, the San Gabriel Valley has water in reserve to meet local needs for the near future, even if the drought continues.

However, it is a reality that local water supplies are lower than we would like. Another reality is individual cities, counties, the state and water companies may act to curtail frequency of watering, impose mandatory water-use restrictions and raise water rates/pricing to curtail water use. These are actions that the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District has no control over but that we encourage residents and businesses to follow in the towns in which their homes and businesses are located.

The San Gabriel Valley is a distinct watershed shaped by local mountains, rivers, streams and other geological formations. A major, natural source of water for the Valley is the San Gabriel River and streams, ponds, lakes, dams and reservoirs connected to it that are located either in the San Gabriel Mountains or the Valley, itself. Beneath the Valley is the Main San Gabriel Basin, the focal point of our Valley’s water supply system. The image below shows the series of dams and reservoirs within the San Gabriel Mountains that serve the Basin, as well as the San Gabriel Canyon Spreading Grounds.

The Basin is about 100 yards below the ground, right underneath your feet, and it is underlies the Valley. Just imagine the length of a soccer or football field, but downward, deep underground. That’s where the vast majority of your water comes from. It is held in a natural holding area formed of bedrock called a water basin. This underground basin holds rainfall, snowmelt and conserved water. The illustration below simulates how a typical groundwater basin functions.

By far the largest component of local water supplies is groundwater pumping, providing about 80% of the water we use. 20% of the water we use is imported water from northern California by the State Water Project and from the Colorado River.

For more information on the Valley’s water supply, please refer to Watermaster’s educational website, “The Waters That Connect Us”.

We live in the purple-colored San Gabriel River “watershed,” one of several watersheds in Los Angeles County. But we live in the Los Angeles media market. Much of the water “news” we are exposed to relates to the city of Los Angeles. However, different watersheds manage their stormwater in ways best suited to their locales. The San Gabriel Valley “water story” is unique in that 80% of the water we use is local groundwater.

Each watershed is formed by distinct topography, geology and hydrology. Decades ago, as reservoirs, dams, flood control channels, and spreading grounds were being planned, as public works and flood management personnel grappled with saving life and property, some watersheds went in the direction of building infrastructure and operating programs that “flushed” water to the ocean via storm drains as fast as possible to reduce the risk of flooding, thus, saving life and property.

Our San Gabriel River watershed was different. We, too, had to protect life and property. However, we embraced saving water for beneficial use, as well. Our region built its water infrastructure to retain and channel as much stormwater within the San Gabriel Valley as possible so it could percolate down and recharge our groundwater supplies.

Overall, the greater San Gabriel Valley captures more than 95% of stormwater, even during massive storms like we experienced earlier this year, to supplement local groundwater supplies. Data shared by the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster reveal that of the more than 500,000 acre-feet of stormwater captured this year in Los Angeles County, about 300,000 AF came from the San Gabriel River watershed.

Here in Southern California and the San Gabriel Valley we live in a dry, desert region. We use more water than Mother Nature provides. Supplemental sources of water (other than pumping of local aquifers or underground wells), include surface reservoir production, recycled water, storm water capture and supplies imported through wheeling arrangements or transported via aqueduct from the State Water Project and the Colorado River. When needed, the Basin holds waters we purchase from “imported” sources, such as the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in Northern California and the Colorado River. Importing water is expensive and requires energy to pump it hundreds of miles. However, sometimes these imported waters are needed when rain, snowmelt and conservation aren’t enough to sustain healthy water levels in our basin. Imported water is used to fill spreading grounds which allows water to percolate or seep down to replenish groundwater.

The San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, formed in 1959, was created to provide a reliable supply of supplemental water for its member agencies, namely the cities of Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park and Sierra Madre. The District is one of 29 State Water Contractors which import water from the State Water Project, operated by the California Department of Water Resources (the District utilizes its Devil Canyon-Azusa Pipeline for this purpose).

Given the size and varied topography (mountains, foothills and valleys) of the San Gabriel Valley, it’s not surprising that groundwater levels throughout the Valley vary from location to location – different locations in the Valley have more water or more accessible water than others. And some wells in the San Gabriel Valley are polluted or contaminated. Water rights and pumping rights are complicated – for example, Monterey Park relies on water that is pumped from wells located in Rosemead. Sierra Madre draws water from the Raymond Basin while our other member cities pump water from the Main San Gabriel Basin. Thus, in 1973 the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster (www.watermaster.org) was created to manage and protect groundwater resources within the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. The San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District works very closely with Watermaster and other water agencies located in the San Gabriel Valley.

A widely accepted measure of our local groundwater supplies is the Baldwin Park Key Well. As the diagram below shows (this graph is updated on an ongoing, weekly basis), groundwater levels have longer periods of decline than of ascent given that most of our years are relatively dry, with the historic low level of 169.4 recorded in November 2019. The graph also displays the critical importance of cyclical storage: the black line indicating groundwater levels without storage and the higher, blue line indicating groundwater levels with cyclic storage factored in. Note that cyclic storage levels have increased since the last drought due to smart water management practices throughout the Main San Gabriel Basin.

Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster updates and shows the Key Well level on its home page each week (www.watermaster.org).

January 2023

The City of Azusa draws its water primarily from Main San Gabriel Basin wells located in Azusa adjacent to spreading grounds which are located at the terminus of the pipeline operated by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. The City supplements this source of water with water from the San Gabriel River. Whenever the City’s groundwater production exceeds its water rights, untreated imported water is delivered to the San Gabriel Basin via the pipeline operated by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District to replace that amount of water which was produced in excess of the City’s water rights. Water is treated, pumped to and stored in reservoirs located in the City, and then transported via the City’s water distribution system to your tap.

Sierra Madre’s groundwater historically came primarily from wells in the Raymond Basin and from surface water that is transported via tunnels reaching into the San Gabriel Mountains. In the recent past, Sierra Madre was 100 percent reliant on its Metropolitan Water District connection due to low groundwater levels in its local wells. In 2019 the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District and the City of Sierra Madre worked together to identify a long-term solution to the challenges facing the City and the District. That led to a water wheeling agreement between Sierra Madre and Arcadia that also called for construction of a joint well to be located within the City of Arcadia. The water would then be transmitted through Arcadia’s existing pipelines to Sierra Madre’s water distribution system. In January 2020, the District approved nearly $1.9 million in grant funding to begin construction of the joint well.

Monterey Park’s water comes primarily from San Gabriel Basin wells located in neighboring Rosemead. Whenever the City’s groundwater production exceeds its water rights, untreated imported water is delivered to the San Gabriel Basin via the pipeline operated by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District to replace that amount of water which was produced in excess of the City’s water rights. Water is treated, pumped to and stored in reservoirs located in the City, and then transported via the City’s water distribution system to your tap.

The City of Alhambra’s water supply is primarily groundwater pumped from a portion of the Main San Gabriel Basin which is referred to as the “The Alhambra Pumping Hole.” The City supplements this source of water with a direct connection to the Metropolitan Water District’s pipeline. Whenever the City’s groundwater production exceeds its water rights, untreated imported water is delivered to the San Gabriel Basin via the pipeline operated by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District to replace that amount of water which was produced in excess of the City’s water rights. Water is treated, pumped to and stored in reservoirs located in the City, and then transported via the City’s water distribution system to your tap.

FAQs | Water Conservation

The District supports water conservation for both environmental and economic reasons. Water conservation is the easiest, most efficient and least expensive means of dealing with the drought. Every drop of water saved is a drop of water that does not need to be paid for. Every drop of water we save is water that remains in our groundwater basin. Every drop of water we save is water we don’t need to import, recycle or treat.

Water Conservation means different things to different people. For some, it means equipment or processes, such as water timers and water-efficient appliances. For others, it means human behavior, such as the length of our showers, whether we install water efficient appliances, if we leave the faucet running while we brush our teeth, or if we use a hose, rather than a broom, to clean our driveways.

The Water District supports water conservation in many ways. The Conservation section of our website provides much more information on the District’s water conservation initiatives. A principle advanced by the District’s Board more than a decade ago was to develop a strong focus on educating, informing and motivating young people about water conservation. The Board believed then and now that if young people acquire water conservation and sustainability ethics, they will hold them for a lifetime and be a positive influence on their parents, families and communities.

Other informative and educational conservation-oriented websites are:

For more than a decade the District has worked closely with school districts to provide hands-on presentations, materials and grants to encourage development of sustainable water and environmental attitudes and behavior. The Covid-19 pandemic affected our ability to provide in-person services, so we’ve done our best to provide resources on-line and via “zoom” and video calls. As of January 2023, we are ramping up our in-person outreach and event participation once again.

We partner on an ongoing basis with schools, non-profit organizations and our member cities on environmental and water-related events such as Lunar New Year in January, Earth Day in April, Water Awareness Month in May, the spring portion of each school year and summer and fall concerts and park events. In spring 2023 we will introduce several new programs in conjunction with the Conservation and Education Team of the Public Water Agency Group (PWAG). Information about these programs is presently available on the website www.pwagcet.org and will be available on this website later in 2023.

Our “Home Water Survey” enables students to work with family members and friends at home to identify water saving opportunities. For more than a decade, District representatives have been guest speakers at school assemblies featuring the Survey and other water conservation information. Nearly every student graduating from high schools in our service area has participating in our Survey and school assembly program, as we’ve worked to develop a generation of young people with a strong water conservation ethic

The “Our Precious Water Resource” videos are available on-demand on our website for use in school or at home.

Our “Water Awareness Growth Chart” is available on our website for download or you may contact the district to have one mailed to your home or school (626-969-7911; info@sgvmwd.com).

The “Opportunities for Water Leadership (O.W.L.) Community Grant Program” is another great resource for youth, schools and non-profit organizations. When we first introduced the Program nearly a decade ago, we offered grants ranging up to $2,000 to fund projects showing creative approaches to water education and conservation. Since 2022, grant amounts are unlimited and the streamlined application process may be completed online any time of the year. Visit our website to learn more about eligibility and our online application . See our chart that provides examples of recent grant recipients.

Through its H2Owl Outreach Program and Speakers Bureau Program, District representatives are available to speak to schools and community and business organizations on water-related topics. We also provide tours of District facilities on a planned and requested basis. Our H2Owl mascot as well as guest speakers may be requested to appear at community events, schools and community/business meetings. When H2Owl attends events, the District usually provides free printed materials and water saving gifts. For further information or to request assistance, please contact the District (626-969-7911; info@sgvmwd.com)

What water conservation pilot projects has the District supported in member cities? Our strategy has been two-fold. First, beginning in 2009, we implemented pilot projects at highly visible, high water-consumption locations (schools, city facilities, large employers) and created partnerships with member cities and community organizations to make the pilot projects as well-known as possible. The Water District has provided approximately $12 million in grants to fund more than 25 water conservation pilot projects in our four member cities. Our goal has been both to save water and to provide information to help residents, schools, businesses and other organizations adopt water saving technology, materials and procedures for the long-term.

As “demonstration” projects, our pilot projects take place in highly visible community locations that are easy to visit and learn from. Our grants funded equipment, technology, landscaping and vegetation and promote indoor and outdoor water savings. An added objective of each grant is to foster community partnerships that involve people working together. Projects at schools and youth or community facilities typically involve youth, teachers, parents, local businesses, local non-profits, churches and school clubs. Click here to view a summary of the pilot projects.

The District’s second strategy was to incentivize non-profit schools and community/business organizations to create their own creative approaches to water conservation.

The “Opportunities for Water Leadership (O.W.L.) Community Grant Program” is another great resource for youth, schools and non-profit organizations. When we first introduced the Program nearly a decade ago, we offered grants ranging up to $2,000 to fund projects showing creative approaches to water education and conservation. Since 2022, grant amounts are unlimited and the streamlined application process may be completed on-line any time of the year. Visit our website to learn more about eligibility and our online application. See our chart that provides examples of recent grant recipients.

The District offers an extensive rebate program whereby stakeholders who purchase water-saving appliances and equipment save water and save money. Items in the District’s rebate program include: rain barrels and cisterns, water-efficient washing machines, high-efficiency toilets, “smart” and weather-based irrigation controllers, soil moisture sensors, rotating sprinkler nozzles and commercial waterless urinals.  Apply for a rebate today!

The District offers an outdoor Irrigation Controller Retrofit Program that provides qualified residents with a FREE irrigation inspection, irrigation controller and spray nozzles. The District has contracted with EcoTech Services to manage the program. If eligible, EcoTech Services will replace your old irrigation timer with a new weather-based irrigation controller installed by a landscape professional.

Since January 2022, EcoTech has performed 257 site assessments. 236 weather-based “smart” controllers have been installed in 215 properties and 5,766 sprinkler nozzles have been upgraded to water-efficient rotating nozzles. The approximate cost/value per landscape to date is $1,136.

Our website provides water-saving tips in multiple languages for residents, businesses and multi-family dwellings such as apartment buildings. In addition, the District has created a variety of educational videos.


More than 50% of water use occurs outdoors and that provides an abundance of opportunities for saving water. Water-wise plants and landscaping are among the smartest and most effective means of reducing outdoor water use. Over many decades, as people have relocated to southern California and the San Gabriel Valley from other parts of the country, they have tended to landscape like they did back home…beautiful landscaping, but not very water-efficient.

The reality is we live in an arid desert and we use more water than Mother Nature provides. Fortunately, for those with a certain aesthetic and those who love to garden, there are plants that are “native” to southern California and the San Gabriel Valley. They will survive in our warm, dry climate, they are attractive, they use less water, and they are readily available.

Different terms to describe such vegetation include “California Native Plants”, water-efficient plants and drought-tolerant plants. Water-efficient landscaping may also include “hardscapes” such as rock gardens, boulders, benches, synthetic turf and other decorative elements that use no water at all.

With the assistance of the California Native Plant Society’s website and its Garden Planner tool, the District has developed custom plant selection guides for each of our member cities. You, too, may utilize the Garden Planner tool with downloadable/printable tips on how to plant a Native Plant garden in Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park and Sierra Madre. In addition to plant recommendations, we’ve identified nurseries and gardening stores that specialize in native plants.


Save Water & Money!

You can get money back from SGVMWD just for buying and installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures! Our rebate program covers a variety of products and is available to residents of Alhambra, Monterey Park, and Sierra Madre.

For residents served by Azusa Light & Water, please visit the Azusa website for rebate information. 

We partner with and receive support for our program from EPA Water Sense and California Climate Investments.

For information or questions, please call (626) 969-7911 or email us at rebates@sgvmwd.com.
Completed applications may be submitted online or by email to rebates@sgvmwd.com.

Indoor Rebates



New machines save you money by using less water, detergent and electricity. These models are gentler on clothes and more water is extracted during the spin cycle, so less drying time is needed.

Click to Apply



The bathroom is a great place to start saving water, since the majority of indoor use (30%) goes toward flushing the toilet. Upgrading to a high-efficiency toilet results in an annual water savings of 20,000 gallons for a family of four!

Click to Apply



Waterless urinals have numerous benefits beyond saving up to 45,000 gallons of water per year for each unit. They also protect our waterways and oceans because they don’t produce wastewater discharge, and they reduce maintenance costs because they are easier to clean, making them worth the investment.

Click to Apply

Outdoor Rebates



This passive conservation tool helps you conserve drinking water and reduce stormwater runoff. A half-inch of rain from your home roof is enough to fill a 55-gallon barrel! The collected water can be used for all your outdoor water needs. 

Click to Apply



Reduce over-watering by about 40 gallons per day by installing a controller that automatically adjusts irrigation based on weather and soil moisture conditions. Smart controllers are the key to healthy plants and compliance with drought-related water use restrictions. 

Click to Apply



Keep your lawn and plants hydrated and healthy and save water by monitoring soil moisture conditions. These easy-to-use probes pay for themselves very quickly – and the rebate helps!

Click to Apply



Up to 70% of household water consumption is used outside. But your landscape actually needs much less water than you think. By switching to rotating sprinkler nozzles, you can reduce total water usage by as much as 20%.

Click to Apply



Flow monitoring devices are a new technology that give customers information about their water use, potential leaks, and incidences of high water use.

Click to Apply

SGVMWD Rebates Program Application

Our Conservation Partners

Conservation Programs

Irrigation Controller Retrofit Program

The District offers an outdoor Irrigation Controller Retrofit Program that provides qualified residents with a FREE irrigation inspection, irrigation controller and spray nozzles. The District has contracted with WaterWise Consulting, Inc.  to manage the program. If eligible, WaterWise will replace your old irrigation timer with a new weather-based irrigation controller installed by a landscape professional.

Since January 2022, over 400 sites have been assessed and over 350 weather-based “smart” controllers have been installed. The approximate cost/value per landscape to date is $2,100.

For more information, fill out the interest form below or call (888) 987-9473.

*Commercial and HOA properties may be eligible if funding is available. Please call (888) 987-9473 for more information.

Program Features:

  • Irrigation system inspection
  • Replacement of existing irrigation controller
  • Controller programming and training customized for your home
  • Sprinkler nozzle retrofit/replacement on existing spray heads


  • Residential water customers in Alhambra, Monterey Park, Azusa and Sierra Madre. *Azusa customers must be under the SGVMWD service area.
  • Must have a working irrigation system with a controller


  • On average $2,100 in equipment and service (one controller per customer)
  • Save water and save money!

How to Apply:

  • First Come First Serve: Time and funding are limited
  • Fill out the interest form below!


Click to enlarge

What’s Included:

  • Landscape Survey
  • Free Home Leak Detection Test
  • Irrigation System Repairs
  • Installation of Weather-based Irrigation Controller
  • Old Controller Recycling

O.W.L. Community Grant Program

(Opportunities for Water Leadership)

The O.W.L. Community Grant Program began in 2017. We invite schools and non-profit organizations in our member cities of Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park and Sierra Madre to submit a proposal to create a “water-wise” project in your community. We’ll provide the funding if you identify partners, organize activities, manage the project’s completion and share its results locally. While grants ranged from $200-2,000 since the program’s inception in 2017, as of April 2022, there are no longer limits on the amount applicants may seek.


  • To involve schools, and non-profit community and business groups in “water-wise” solutions
  • To offer funding that supplements labor and other contributions by partnering groups


  • Schools – teachers, departments, student clubs, student groups, athletic teams, PTAs
  • Non-Profit Community Organizations – environmental, churches, scouting, service organizations, youth
  • Eligible cities: Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park and Sierra Madre


  • Grant proposals may be for any amount
  • One grant per recipient per fiscal year
  • Funding is limited, apply today!

Sierra Madre Elementary School Earth Day Native Garden Festival

Community Projects

Check out the innovative community improvements below that have been made with OWL grants!


Click to enlarge

Examples of Eligible Projects

  • Water-wise landscaping
  • Turf removal
  • Water-wise irrigation
  • Storm water capture
  • Grey water; recycled water
  • Erosion control
  • Waterway cleanup (lakes, streams, ponds)
  • Forest restoration
  • Water quality
  • Science projects/Water conservation curriculum development
  • Poster/Essay contests
  • Youth Network/Club Development • Awards/Incentives

O.W.L. Grant Applications

The application process for OWL grants is easy! Just click on the button below for an electronic application and answer a few questions about your organization and proposed project. The District may require an interview and/or a presentation.

If you have questions about the program, please contact Evelyn Reyes at 626-969-7911 or ereyes@sgvmwd.com.

Earth Day O.W.L. Grants for Teachers, Students and School Clubs

The 2023 Earth Day OWL Grant application period is now closed.

Schools (all grade levels) in Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park, and Sierra Madre are encouraged to check back in with us early next year for 2024 Earth Day Grant opportunities.

Earth Day is April 22, 2024. Water education-themed ideas such as assemblies, presentations, festivals, prizes and awards, picnics, essay contests, poster contests, photo contest, video creation, tree/vegetation planting, leak detection, rain barrels and more encouraged.

If you have questions about the program, please contact Evelyn Reyes at 626-969-7911 or ereyes@sgvmwd.com.

Earth Day O.W.L. Grant Application

Water Saving Tips

The District has compiled numerous conservation tips and resources and offers them here for easy reference and printing. 

We offer PDFs of the documents in English, Spanish and Chinese. Please feel free to download them and share the information with family and friends. We will continue to post about water-saving pilot and demonstration programs and share details with our local newspapers and member cities.

If you have ideas about how to save water that you’d like to share with others, please either email your comments to: info@sgvmwd.com or call us at 626-969-7911.

Save water in your home

Conservation doesn’t have to be hard! Adopting simple changes can make a big difference! In southern California, the average person uses about 125 gallons of water per day.

Save water in your yard

Did you know 50-75% of water usage occurs outside the home, especially during hot summer and fall months?

Save water at work

No matter your business, you can save as much as 50 gallons of water a day by switching to rebate-eligible appliances and fixtures at the office. And by enlisting your staff to employ water-saving practices, that can add up to thousands of gallons (and dollars) per year!

Saving water in apartment buildings

Water conservation is easy and important for residents, property managers and owners of old and new apartment buildings. Indoors, residents can save water by adopting water-wise behavior, fixing leaks and notifying their property manager/owner of leaks and water waste. Property managers/owners have many opportunities to install water-wise appliances in dwelling units and common areas such as laundry rooms and pools/spas, to plant water-wise vegetation, and to install irrigation controllers and sub-meters. Saving water saves money, too!

Advanced water-saving tips

There’s a lot you can do to save water, from installing high-efficiency appliances to repairing even the smallest leaks indoors and out. Find out how in our “Water, Well Worth Conserving” booklet.

Native Plant Gardening Tips

More than 50% of most homeowners’ water bills are for outdoor water use. Water-wise gardening practices can cut your water use by half and still keep your landscaping green and healthy.

Water-wise gardening involves plant selection, weed abatement, hardscapes, irrigation installation, watering schedules and insect control. It can get complicated, so having a good plan is important. Many people love to garden, themselves, while others seek out professional help from landscapers.

While there are many websites that may assist you, two of our favorites are of the Theodore Payne Foundation and the California Native Plant Society. Each of these sites feature California Native Plants which use 1/7th the water of traditional vegetation.

Custom Plant Guides for Our Member Cities

The Theodore Payne Society With the assistance of the California Native Plant Society’s website and its Garden Planner tool , the District has developed custom plant selection guides for each of our member cities. You, too, may utilize the Garden Planner tool by visiting the website. Featured below are downloadable/printable tips on how to plant a Native Plant garden in Alhambra, Azusa, Monterey Park and Sierra Madre. In addition to plant recommendations, we’ve identified nurseries and gardening stores that specialize in native plants.

Gardening Tips to Help You Get Started

  • Observe the pattern of runoff in your yard when it rains. You can create berms, swales and other contours to slow the flow and catch the water so it can be used by your plants.
  • Use drip systems, soaker hoses and other efficient irrigation methods that apply water close to the plant roots. Keep in mind that plants adapted to dry summers need less water a few years after planting.
  • Add compost or mulch to the soil. Compost helps the soil hold water and adds nutrients needed for plant growth. Mulch prevents the soil from overheating and drying out, reduces weeds and slows erosion. Use 2 to 4 inches underneath plants and shrubs.
  • Gather rainwater in buckets and save it for later use in your garden.
  • Avoid over pruning or forcing plants to grow into unnatural shapes.
  • Layer plants to make shade and use species that are native to the area.
  • Observe the natural shade and sun of your yard and plan your garden accordingly.

View or Download your City’s guide here:


Azusa Planting Guide


Sierra Madre Planting Guide


Monterey Park Planting Guide


Alhambra Planting Guide


Azusa Median Project


Sierra Madre Water Main Construction


Monterey Park PFAS/PFOA Water Treatment Facility

Alhambra Water Treatment Plant_web

Alhambra Water Treatment Facility

Water Supply, Water Quality and Water Conservation Pilot Projects

The Water District has provided approximately $20 million of zero-interest loans and grants to support water supply, water conservation and water quality projects in member cities. Our objectives have included providing information to help people, schools, and community and business organizations adopt water-saving technology, materials and procedures. Our strategy has been to implement pilot projects at highly visible, high water-consumption locations.

Azusa Irrigation Landscape Technology
Median Water and Tree Saving Project (2016)
Mountain View Elementary School (2014-2016)
Paramount Elementary School (2014-2016)
Azusa Pacific University (2010-2011)
San Gabriel Canyon Gateway Center (2009-2010)
Department of Light and Water (2009-2010)
Memorial Park, North Recreation Center (2009-2010)
Azusa Chamber of Commerce (2009-2010)
Sierra Madre Irrigation Landscape Technology
Water Main Construction (2021-2022)
Joint Well Project (2020)
Automated Meter Reading (2014-2017)
City Hall (2014-2015)
Sierra Madre School (2011-2012)
MWD Emergency Connection (2007-2011)
Sierra Vista Park (2009-2010)
Sturtevant Street Flood Control Right of Way (2009-2010)
Miramonte Reservoir/Mt. Wilson Trailhead (2009-2010)
Monterey Park Irrigation Landscape Technology
PFAS/PFOA Water Treatment Facility (2021-2022)
Demonstration Gardens (2015-2016)
Macy Intermediate School (2014-2015)
Brightwood Elementary School (2014-2015)
California Native Median Project (2011-2012)
Automated Meter Reader (AMR) (2009-2010)
City Hall Planters and Smart Controller (2009-2010)
Alhambra Irrigation Landscape Technology
Automated Meter Reading (2014-2017)
City Hall (2015-2016)
Fire Station (2014-2015)
West San Gabriel Valley YMCA (2013-2014)
The Alhambra Urban Community (2011-2012)
Gateway Plaza (2009-2010)
Alhambra Water Treatment Facility (2008)